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Mailto: Link With Attachment

I made an app for my client that delivers a zip file with the following example structure: index.html /files/ file.pdf /inc/ style.css Basically, the user will transfer

Solution 1:

Why not, as Dennis suggested, link to it, but with the username and password included. You can link to them like this : protocol://username:password@URL . If it's an FTP server the file's on, link to it like this: . If it's a HTTP server (web server) the file's on, link to it like this: . Safari should support this since it's a main feature of browsers. You make usernames and passwords with a .htpasswd file on apache servers (the majority). If you wanted one username & pass for every client, you could use a really long random string for the username and another the password, like: For example:

If you're wondering, that's URL encoded.

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