Removing Event Listner In JavaScript
I created a class in JavaScript which does specific task related key call (key press ) when class is initiated. Class have a function 'receaveKey' which is referenced by addEventLi
Solution 1:
You have to remove the same function you added, but bind
always returns a new function.
So you'll have to remember the first one, then use it when removing:
this.boundReceaveKey = this.receaveKey.bind(this);
// ...later...
this.boundReceaveKey = undefined; // If you don't need it anymore
Side note: The spelling is "receive."
Your requested example:
function Thingy(name) { = name;
this.element = document.getElementById("the-button");
Thingy.prototype.bindEvents = function() {
if (!this.boundReceiveClick) {
this.boundReceiveClick = this.receiveClick.bind(this);
this.element.addEventListener("click", this.boundReceiveClick, false);
Thingy.prototype.unbindEvents = function() {
if (this.boundReceiveClick) {
this.element.removeEventListener("click", this.boundReceiveClick, false);
this.boundReceiveClick = undefined;
Thingy.prototype.receiveClick = function() {
var p = document.createElement("p");
p.innerHTML = "Click received, name = " +;
var t = new Thingy("thingy");
document.getElementById("the-checkbox").addEventListener("click", function() {
if (this.checked) {
} else {
}, false);
<input id="the-button" type="button" value="Click me">
<br><label><input id="the-checkbox" type="checkbox" checked> Bound, when this is unchecked the button won't do anything</label>
Solution 2:
returns a new function with its context bound.
You'll need to pass it a function reference to be able to then remove it as a acallback.
var boundFn = this.receiveKey.bind( this )
element.addEventListener( 'keypress', boundFn )
element.removeEventListener( 'keypress', boundFn )
Solution 3:
creates a new function.
You could do
this.receaveKey = function() {}.bind(this)
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