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Ajax HTML5 Audio Player Can't Load Next Track After Second Track Plays

This is a follow-up question to this post... Auto load new song into HTML 5 audio player when track ends using php/jquery Thanks to contributions by @Roko C. Buljan I was able to u

Solution 1:

Looking at the code you were using, I can see many errors:

  • the <source> tag should self close;
  • the <source> tag should be a child of <audio> tag
  • tha <audio> tag must not have the loop attribute, or the ended event is never called; you have to remove this attribute even from the player.php script.

I think you have already removed the loop attribute from the actual code, otherwise it shall not work even on the first time.

Now, the problem occurrs because of this line:

document.getElementById(targetID).innerHTML = XMLHttpRequestObject.responseText;

because you are deleting the current audio object and replacing it with a new one. When the track ends it raise the ended event on the new audio object, which has no event handler attached. The event handler you defined earlier wouldn't be called anymore.

The proper way to do things is to not replace the audio object, but simply replace its src attribute with the new track name.


So you could change your player.php to return the file name and other data without the html tags, for example in json format:

$track = array('file'=>$file, 'image'=>$image);
echo json_encode($track);

and replace the above line with:

var track = JSON.parse(XMLHttpRequestObject.responseText);
audio.src = track.file;
document.querySelector('#image').src = track.image;
document.querySelector('#download').href = track.file;

where image and download are the IDs of the <img/> and <a>download</a> elements.

Another options is to rebind the ended event each time you replace the html, but I strongly discourage this approach. Anyway, if you choose to follow this path, you must do it this way:

function loadurl(dest, targetID) {
    document.getElementById(targetID).innerHTML = XMLHttpRequestObject.responseText;
    var audio = document.querySelector('#myAudio');
    audio.addEventListener("ended", () => {,'player.php?random=1','player');

var audio = document.querySelector('#myAudio');
audio.addEventListener("ended", () => {,'player.php?random=1','player');

Please note that the audio symbol must be variable, not constant, otherwise you can't replace its value with the new audio element.

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