Html5 To Store Greater Than 50 Mb Worth Of Data?
Solution 1:
Based on your needs: (store 10,000 images, 10,000 pdfs, +videos etc.) I don't think a "lightweight" HTML5 application is going to suit your needs.
I think that a native application is likely going to work much better where you have proper filesystem access to store the files on the device as needed (and even structure them better).
The HTML5 localStorage (5mb) and the WebSQL (SQLLite) (5mb-~50mb) database options really won't give you what you need as far as I can tell.
WebApp "wrappers" like PhoneGap and WebWorks (for BlackBerry) will give you the filesystem access you need, but I'm not sure if either of them have limitations that you'll hit size/quantity wise... hopefully someone with experience in these wrapper frameworks can indicate any size limits they've encountered.
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