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Change Position Of Html Element?

I am new to html and css. I am trying to move items around on a webpage. This is what the webpage looks like right now: I have the following code for this webpage: index.php: &l

Solution 1:

top only works with certain position values. Use a margin instead, like so:

<h2 id="loginText" style="margin-top:383px" >Login</h2>

This should work for what you need. You can also move it to the right using margin-left, etc.

If you want to use top, you can do something like this:

<h2 id="loginText" style="position: absolute; top:383px" >Login</h2>

Absolute positioning lets you use top, left, right, and bottom to absolutely position elements on the page

You can read up more on the position property here and the top property here

Solution 2:

Without the CSS it's hard to tell what the problem is, but my guess would be that you haven't declared a position attribute to the element, which means it defaults to position: static, meaning it won't move. So if you want to move the item you would need to declare position: relative and then apply the top: 383px. That being said, it is more common to just set margin-top: 383px. Again, if you add a copy of the CSS you're using it will be easier to address the issue.

Solution 3:

best positioning of your login form is to populate form in <div> . Than you can set to this div center (horizontaly) of screen by use style margin: 0 auto; and to vertical align, you can use some js or margin-top:, but use a % ... (dont forget to smaller screens than you have)

Solution 4:

make sure you define the position type.

<h2 id="loginText" style="top:383px; position:fixed" >Login</h2>

fixed means that the position (top:383px) is relative to the window. there are also other position types such as absolute, relative, or sticky.

Solution 5:

dude use <div class="container m-5"> it will give your some margin from top and will create a container for you

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