How Can I Make Title Bar Dynamic On Vuetify?
I see vuetify project have title bar. But the title in public/index.html. Outside src folder So I had trouble making it dynamic. Every page must have different title. If it's same,
Solution 1:
Hard to tell exactly what your constraints are from the question, but in case this helps anyone else make their Vuetify title bar dynamic...
In index.js
, add some "meta" to the routes:
import VueRouter from'vue-router';
const routes = [
path: '/page1',
name: 'page-1',
component: ...,
meta: {
title: 'Page 1'
path: '/page2',
name: 'page-2',
component: ...,
meta: {
title: 'Page 2'
const router = new VueRouter({
mode: 'history',
base: (your base url),
routes: routes,
export default router
Then in the Vuetify title bar, use the route meta defined above:
<v-toolbar-title>{{ $route.meta.title || "Default title" }}</v-toolbar-title>
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