Create Pages With Pre-compiling The Templates
Solution 1:
You can use Jade - node template engine
It gives option to include external jade files, where in it allows you to insert the contents of one jade file into another
doctype htmlhtml
include ./includes/head.jadebodyh1 My Site
p Welcome to my super lame site.
include ./includes/foot.jade
//- includes/head.jade
title My Site
//- includes/foot.jade
p Copyright (c) foobar
Compiles to:
<!doctype html><html><head><title>My Site</title><scriptsrc='/javascripts/jquery.js'></script><scriptsrc='/javascripts/app.js'></script></head><body><h1>My Site</h1><p>Welcome to my super lame site.</p><divid="footer"><p>Copyright (c) foobar</p></div></body></html>
Solution 2:
Whenever I used to search on google for "pre-compiling templates", I was ending up on sites which were combining all the HTML template files to one single js file. But in my case, I was looking for a way to compile the templates completely on system itself with no support of a "all template compiled js file". (So, I was looking for a solution which pre-renders the HTMLs)
Answer :
I found this awesome template engine, Nunjucks, which lets me compile the HTML templates to Independent HTML pages when used with gulp.
Check this one, gulp-nunjucks-render. By using this along with gulp, I am able to include section of .html
files into other .html
files. Here is the code (assuming you installed nodejs and gulp):
var gulp = require('gulp');
var nunjucksRender = require('gulp-nunjucks-render');
gulp.task('default', function () {
nunjucksRender.nunjucks.configure(['templates/'], { watch: false });
return gulp.src('templates/!(_)*.html')
css_path: "../assets/css/",
js_path: "../assets/js/",
img_path: "../assets/images/"
gulp.task('watch', function () {['templates/*.html'], ['default']);
In the above code, I am keeping the HTML templates in templates
folder and with the above gulp code, I am generating the new HTMLs in html
folder. The above code will not generate the files which are prefixed with _
. (something similar to sass)
and later in command prompt:
gulp watch // Watches the files for changes continuously --> OWNING :D
Here is an example:
<!-- // Index.html --><!DOCTYPE html><html>
{% include "_head.html" %}
{% include "_content.html" %}
{% include "_footer.html" %}
Which renders to:
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Website title</title><linkhref="../assets/jcss/main.css"type="text/css"/></head><body><divclass="page"><!-- content here --></div><divclass="footer"><!-- footer content here --></div></body></html>
- No need of server support to compile the templates.
- No need to include any pre-compiled js file in index.html.
- Whenever we do some change in common section, no need to include that section again in every page.
- Till now, I didn't find any :).
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