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Imagemagick Creating Thumbnail

here is code which creats animated text using imagemagick.. $label=$_POST['label']; $cmd = ' -background transparent -font $font -pointsize $size label:$label -stroke black -stroke

Solution 1:

Put the entire string in double quotes since spaces are not allowed in command line. In the following i enclosed both usages of $label in double-quotes using the \" escape sequence:

$cmd=" -background transparent -font $font -pointsize $size label:\"$label\" -stroke black -strokewidth 2 ".
"  \( -clone 0-tile \"" . $image . "[0]\" -stroke black -strokewidth 2 -gravity center -annotate +0+0 \"$label\" \) ".

Solution 2:

Use apostrophes, like in example "Labels over Multiple Lines" at

$cmd = " -background transparent -font $font -pointsize $size label:'$label' -stroke black -strokewidth 2 ".

Solution 3:

My post is editted. See what hakre posted, it's a better answer than mine was.

string escapeshellarg ( string $arg )

Should do the trick, plus it allows you to pass a string directly to the shell function treated as a single safe argument

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